Warlga Ngurra

Specialist Homeless Service

Specialist Homeless Service Newcastle

Warlga Ngurra is a Specialist Homelessness Service (SHS). The SHS program is for responding and providing support to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness across the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, and Port Stephens Local Government Areas (LGA’s). We deliver a range of services, programs, and initiatives to support people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. This includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women with or without children, escaping domestic and family violence. Our services and programs aim to break the cycles of homelessness by balancing prevention and early intervention with crisis response. The primary goal of this program is to support people to sustain an existing tenancy or secure safe and affordable housing.

Our team can provide information, advice, and referral to other appropriate services as needed. Referrals will be triaged on a needs basis and must meet the eligibility criteria for case management from one of our programs. We don’t have a waitlist. For more information contact us on 0249 501 566 or email us at info@warlgangurra.org.au

Click here to download referral form: